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NOW that chemical soil aspect was covered in the November-December edition, it is also vital for farmers to know the biological soil make up. This is important for farmers to know because it is where various crops are grown.       

And in order for that massive and tremendous yield the farmer has been dreaming about to be attained the farmer should be knowledgeable about the soil biological component. Soil contains quite a number of living organisms that supports the successful growth of crops or plants in general. 

Some can be viewed using our own naked eyes and while some can be seen by using a microscope. Their benefits in the soil is to support the growth of a plant to remain outstanding, though some living organisms in the soil have been discovered to be destructive in nature towards plants more especially to various crops planted in the fields.

The most interesting thing that happens in the soil is that, buildings can be built on top of the ground; farmers can be doing their weeding in the fields, fertilizer application and harvesting.  Biological process of organisms continues to execute their role in the soil e.g.

Organisms such as earthworms, ants, termites, bacteria, nematodes to mention but a few. Earthworms, ants and termites mix the soil as they burrow, significantly affecting soil formation.

Earthworms ingest soil particles and produce organic residues, enhancing the availability of plant nutrients in the material that passes through and out of their body. By aetrang and string the soil, and by increasing the stability of soil aggregates, these organism help assure the ready organism help assure the ready infiltration of water.  

 On the other hand, the above stated numerous organisms' makes plants thrive without human intervention for millions of years, but to maximize growth and crop yields plants typically need three basic macro nutrients such as nitrogen

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