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The Ministry of Green Economy and Environment (MGEE) wishes to inform the general public that the process of formulating the Climate Change Bill has reached an advanced stage.

Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Dr. Douty Chibamba told journalists in Lusaka today that the Climate Change Bill is currently with the Ministry of Justice undergoing refinement and finalisation.

“It must be noted that the Climate Change Bill is crosscutting in nature. Therefore, the Bill required broader stakeholder consultation and due diligence,” Dr. Chibamba said. “In this regard, on 13th March 2024 the Government through the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment convened a broad stakeholder consultation at the Sarovar Hotel in Lusaka.”

The Permanent Secretary said Civil Society Organisations, including youths organisations, and other stakeholders were represented in the meeting.

“A number of proposals were made by stakeholders, including Civil Society Organisations, for inclusion in the draft Bill. These were followed by written submissions, including submissions from the civil society organisations; It must be noted that these comments needed to be reviewed for possible inclusion in the draft bill,” Dr. Chibamba said. “Therefore, the current status is that the Ministry of Justice is finalising the Bill in readiness for clearance by Cabinet before presentation to Parliament.”

He said the Ministry expects the Bill to be tabled before Parliament soon.

“Government is committed to put in place a robust Bill on climate change to ensure that we provide an effective regulatory framework to address the challenges of climate change,” said Dr. Chibamba, in the company of MGEE’s Director for Green Economy and Climate Change Ephraim Shitima.

The Permanent Secretary reaffirmed the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment’s “open-door policy” on engaging and consulting youths and other stakeholders on national matters.

“We have closely involved the youths in most of our activities and we remain open to further engage the youth and other stakeholders,” said Dr. Chibamba.

The Ministry is in receipt of correspondence from youth organisations engaged in climate change advocacy, seeking continued collaboration on various issues.

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